Knihovna zajímavých odkazů, týkajících se počítačové 3D grafiky a zejména programu Rhinoceros.
3D grafika obecně:
- 3Dsoftware.cz Server o programech Cinema4D, Bodypaint a 3D grafice obecně
3D modely:
- SuperEllipsoid (Zdarma!) SuperEllipsoid generator (Plug-In)
- PhotoModeler Pro 5 - New release! Model & measure 3D objects from photos (Companion with 3DM Support)
- Freelance Car & Product Designer 2-D rendering & 3-D modeling (Consultant)
- Studio Cruz 3D technical modeling and animation (Consultant)
- POITRA 3-D models 3-D models and visualization services (Service)
- VirtualCAD (Zdarma!) Free High-Detail 3D CAD Models (Service)
- Runtime DNA Online Graphics Community (Service)
- Free Stuff (Zdarma!) 1000's of free models (Useful Link)
- 3D Kingdom.org Free 3d models, 3ds max tutorials... (Useful Link)
- 3D Millennium (Zdarma!) 3D Textures, Plans, Tutorials & More. (Useful Link)
- Zumtobel Staff Lighting Models (Zdarma!) lights from Zumtobel Staff (Useful Link)
- Ultra 3D (Zdarma!) FREE 3D furniture and lighting models (Useful Link)
- Robert Q. Riley Enterprises (Zdarma!) Free Rhino models (Useful Link)
- 3D FutureBits.org rhino tutorials, tutorials, models, ... (Useful Link)
- Terrain Collection (Useful Link)
3D kreslení:
- Deep Paint 3D Interactive 3D Painting and Texturing (Companion with Rhino support)
- Moldex3D-Mesh A powerful FEM mesh geneator (Plug-In)
- CADRCS Makes Radar Cross Section calculations (Plug-In)
- MeshTools (Zdarma!) Mesh mass properties plug-in for Rhino. (Plug-In)
- ALGOR FEA software for exact Rhino geometry (Companion with 3DM Support)
- ASAP Optical modeling software (Companion with 3DM Support)
- LucidShape Computer Aided Lighting (Companion with 3DM Support)
- WinTherm Advanced thermal analysis for CAE (Companion with 3DM Support)
- CADRE Pro FEA structural analysis software (Companion with Rhino support)
- SC/Tetra Thermo-fluid Analysis System (Companion with Rhino support)
- Strand7® Finite Element Analysis Software (Companion without 3DM Support)
- CFX CFX CFD Analysis Software (Companion without 3DM Support)
- FLUENT, Inc. Computational Fluid Dynamics Software (Companion without 3DM Support)
- FLUENT, Inc. - UK Computational Fluid Dynamics Software (Companion without 3DM Support)
- Geomagic Qualify Computer-Aided Inspection Software (Companion without 3DM Support)
- lucernhammer Electromagnetic Signature Calculation (Companion without 3DM Support)
- SectionCalc Calculate section properties graphically (Companion without 3DM Support)
- ToleranceCalc 2D tolerance stack-up analysis (Companion without 3DM Support)
Animce a renderování:
- RhinoMan (Zdarma!) RenderMan compatible rendering plug-in (Plug-In)
- New! Maxwell Render Maxwell Render's plugin for Rhino (Plug-In)
- Flamingo Raytrace and radiosity rendering (Plug-In)
- Bongo 1.0 Animation for Designers (Plug-In)
- Extended Animation (Zdarma!) Workspace (Toolbar Layout)
- NuGraf for large CAD rendering Multi-threaded ray tracing for Rhino (Companion with 3DM Support)
- AIR Fast high quality rendering (Companion without 3DM Support)
- Inovate Animation, Rendering, Modeling in one (Companion without 3DM Support)
- Studio Quality Rendering An advanced tutorial CD by Gijs de Zwart (Tutorial CD)
- POV-Ray The Persistence of Vision Raytracer (Useful Link)
- Renderosity Rhino online discussion forum (Useful Link)
- afterlife.de Oganic textures for rendering. (Useful Link)
- Realworld Imagery Texture maps and photorealistic clip art (Useful Link)
- Texturama Seamless photographic texture collection (Useful Link)
- Butterfly3D The simplest way to design cabinets (Plug-In)
- EasySite for Rhino 3D Site Modeling and Visualization (Plug-In)
- For-Nurbs Tensile Structure Form Finding (Plug-In)
Knihy a návody:
- Form vs. Shape 1 Modeling for varied purposes-V3 update (Tutorial CD)
- Form vs. Shape 2 Advanced surfacing-now updated for V3 (Tutorial CD)
- Quickstart CD Flash Tutorial for Rhino Beginner (Tutorial CD)
- Rhino Visual TIPS A tutorial CD with 350 video clips. (Tutorial CD)
- Flamingo Visual TIPS A tutorial to learn how to use Flamingo (Tutorial CD)
- Secrets of Rhinoceros (Zdarma!) A Rhino tutorial (Tutorial CD)
- Modeling for the Marine Industry Advanced Boat design tutorial (Tutorial CD)
- RhinoMold 3.0 Documents (Zdarma!) RhinoMold 3.0 Documents and Exercises (Tutorial CD)
- Modeling a computer mouse An extensive video tutorial. (Tutorial CD)
- Modeling and Mold Making for Jewelry Jewelry Design Tutorial (Tutorial CD)
- New! Rhino 3D Tutorials 8 Hour video training CD on Rhino (Tutorial CD)
- Rhino Visual TIPS for Rhino 3.0 A tutorial CD with 350 video clips. (Tutorial CD)
- Studio Quality Rendering An advanced tutorial CD by Gijs de Zwart (Tutorial CD)
- vbScript|RhinoScript for beginners (Zdarma!) How to become a happier person... (Book)
- Rhinoceros e la Modellazione NURBS Guida Completa (Book)
- Digitizing Tutorial Digitizing with MicroScribe in Rhino (Book)
- Focus on Curves and Surfaces Curves and surfaces for beginners (Book)
- Let's begin Rhino Jewelry Version! (Book)
- Rhino 2.0 Level I and II Training Guides (Book)
- Rhino 3.0 Level I and II Training Guides (Book)
- Scriptoceros (Zdarma!) Tutorial sugli script per Rhino (Book)
- AMDPIU Studio di progettazione, modellazione 3d (Consultant)
- Rhino tutorials (Zdarma!) Rhino tutorials (Useful Link)
- Rhino Visual Training (Zdarma!) Rhino on-line teacher. (Useful Link)
- 3D FutureBits.org rhino tutorials, tutorials, models (Useful Link)
- 3DCADTips.com (Zdarma!) Rhino tips and tutorials site (Useful Link)
- Create a Gravis PC GamePad (Zdarma!) 3D GamePad Tut (Useful Link)
- Tutorial für CAD/Rhino-Einsteiger (Zdarma!) Führungshülse (Useful Link)
- Using Rhino with Autodesk Inventor (Zdarma!) White Paper (Useful Link)
- Using Rhino with Solid Edge (Zdarma!) White Paper (Useful Link)
- Using Rhino with SolidWorks (Zdarma!) White Paper (Useful Link)
- RhinoCAM Fully integrated CAM plug-in for Rhino 3 (Plug-In)
- madCAM 3D Toolpath Creator in Rhinoceros® 3.0 (Plug-In)
- Omega 3D with Rhino Plug-in 3D-Freiform CAM-Software (Plug-In)
- NC Import for Rhino Imports commands from NC files (Plug-In)
- Mastercam Direct for Rhinoceros (Zdarma!) Mastercam plug-in for Rhino (Plug-In)
- Bamboo Wire EDM embedded in Rhinoceros (Plug-In)
- Horizon Line Closest points between two surfaces (Plug-In)
- ProtoWizard STL to NC File (Plug-In)
- RhinoProto 3D CAM for Rapid Prototyping (Plug-In)
- AUTON CAM 3D CAM for Mold-makers (Companion with 3DM Support)
- CraftMill Cutting RP (Companion with 3DM Support)
- OneCNC CAD/CAM Hybrid CAD/CAM (Companion with 3DM Support)
- SprutCAM Powerful abilities under grace control (Companion with 3DM Support)
- SUM 3D 3D CAM FOR MOLD MAKERS (Companion with 3DM Support)
- EZ-CAM CAD/CAM Programming System (Companion with 3DM Support)
- RAMS Software 2D & 3D CAM Software (Companion with 3DM Support)
- Millwizard 3 Axis Milling for only $250 (Companion with 3DM Support)
- ADEM CAD/CAM 2-5 Axis Milling and Turning package (Companion with 3DM Support)
- AlphaCAM CAD/CAM Software for CNC (Companion with 3DM Support)
- PowerMILL Multi axis and High Speed Machining (Companion with 3DM Support)
- UniCAM CAM for Milling, Lathe and EDM (Companion with 3DM Support)
- VisualMill 5.0 2.5 through 5 Axis 3D Milling Software (Companion with 3DM Support)
- FreeMill, Free CAM software (Zdarma!) 3D CNC Software absolutly free (Companion with Rhino support)
- Mayka SRP SRP Milling Software in 3/4/5 axis (Companion with Rhino support)
- RhinoCAM Basic $995 Solid/Surface/STL CAM system for Rhino (Companion with Rhino support)
- BobCAD-CAM BobCAD-CAM Version 20 (Companion with Rhino support)
- StlWork Low Cost 3D CAM software (Companion with Rhino support)
- FeatureCAM Feature- and Knowledge-Based CAM! (Companion without 3DM Support)
- MeshCAM 3D Bitmap and STL toolpath generation (Companion without 3DM Support)
- WorkNC Automatic CAM (Companion without 3DM Support)
- EdgeCAM EdgeCAM CAM software (Companion without 3DM Support)
- DeskProto 3D CAM software for Rapid Prototyping (Companion without 3DM Support)
- TOOLCHIPS 5 Modern product development, CAM software (Service)
- CAD/CAM Desktop Manufacturing Systems CNC machines for industry, educ., hobby (Hardware)
- FlexiCAM 3 Axis CNC Routers & Engravers (Hardware)
- 3d-e-Motion Machining System high speed machining of large items (Hardware)
- SHOPCAM CNC ROUTER TABLE CNC 3 axis router table (Hardware)
- Polyworx Controlled Vacuum Infusion and RTM (Useful Link)
Vývojářkské nástroje:
- Rhino 3.0 SDK (Zdarma!) Software Development Kit (Plug-In)
- Table Dimensions (Zdarma!) (FREE!) (Plug-In)
- openNURBS (Zdarma!) read and write Rhino's native 3DM files (Companion with 3DM Support)
- Get3dmProperties (preview,history,notes) Get 3dm properties ecncGetRhinoInfo.dll (Companion with 3DM Support)
- AutoIt (Zdarma!) Automate any Windows-based task (Useful Link)
- Macro Express A Windows automation tool (Useful Link)
Kreslení a ilustrace:
- Lino Printing, drafting & illustration (Plug-In)
- Lino v3 beta (Zdarma!) Linetypes & Widths Layouts Fills Hatches (Plug-In)
- Butterfly3D The simplest way to design cabinets (Plug-In)
- Iknow2D Converts STL files to 2D orthographic (Companion without 3DM Support)
- LaunchPad CadOperator Input device and software for CAD (Hardware)
- Isometric view match (Zdarma!) (Other)
- WinLINE; HP-GL, GL2, RTL, & DMPL driver WinLINE is a Windows system printer (Other)
- Expander Surface Expansion Plug-In for Rhino (Plug-In)
- SHOT A complete application for shoemakers (Plug-In)
- SoleCreator v3 Set of tools for design and scale soles (Plug-In)
- Math (Zdarma!) Parametric Curves and Surfaces (Plug-In)
- Layer Manager (Zdarma!) Save and restore layer states (Plug-In)
- Power Solids Filleting, Shelling, Booleans (Plug-In)
- Alternative Move Function (Zdarma!) specify move dist. Optional animation. (Plug-In)
- ObjectViewer (Zdarma!) Displays file grouping structure (Plug-In)
- Quick Layer (Zdarma!) displays an "always on top" dialog box that allows one to quickly set layer states (Plug-In)
- SuperSelect (Zdarma!) Select objects with similar properties (Plug-In)
- Mesh To Solid for Rhino Mesh to Solid converter (Plug-In)
- HtmlView (Zdarma!) associate HTML files or web addresses with a 3DM file (Plug-In)
- MeshWorks for Rhino Mesh manipulation utilities (Plug-In)
- PROSECChino WS (WorkSpace & Utility) (Zdarma!) per Rhinoceros 2.0 e 3.0 (Plug-In)
- TireMaker (Zdarma!) Automatical tire modeling soft (Plug-In)
- BearMaker (Zdarma!) Automatical bear modeling soft (Plug-In)
- ChangeAllViewports.rhp (Zdarma!) Plug-In zum schattieren aller Ansichten (Plug-In)
- Expander Surface Expansion Plug-In for Rhino (Plug-In)
- filletclosepolyline (Zdarma!) make fillet in all kink of polyline clos (Plug-In)
- Horizon Construction Line V3.02 Closest points between two surfaces (Plug-In)
- Hyperlink (Zdarma!) attach web URLs to objects (Plug-In)
- MatrixX (Zdarma!) AutoMate Rhino Processes (Plug-In)
- Power Booleans Accurate Polygonal & NURBS Booleans (Plug-In)
- Rhino InLine Calculator/unit converter Rhino's comand prompt calc./converter (Plug-In)
- SnapFitJoints Plug-In for calculating snap fit joints (Plug-In)
- Voice (Zdarma!) Voice input of Rhino commands (Plug-In)
- Improve Curves (Zdarma!) VBscripts to manipulate Curves (Toolbar Layout)
- David's workspace (Zdarma!) A Rhino 2.0 and Flamingo workspace (Toolbar Layout)
- Mesa (Zdarma!) Rhino Toolbar Layout (Toolbar Layout)
- Daniel (Zdarma!) Rhino Toolbar Layout (Toolbar Layout)
- NextGen (Zdarma!) Rhino Toolbar Layout (Toolbar Layout)
- ObjectColor Workspace (Zdarma!) Quickly change the color of objects (Toolbar Layout)
- Walkabout Toolbox (Zdarma!) Navigate perspective by walking around (Toolbar Layout)
- Colorful (Zdarma!) Rhino Toolbar Layout (Toolbar Layout)
- Construction Line (Zdarma!) Easily create construction geometry (Toolbar Layout)
- R.C. McDougle (Zdarma!) Rhino Toolbar Layout (Toolbar Layout)
- Window Select By Type (Zdarma!) Toolbar (Toolbar Layout)
- Window Select By Type (Rhino V3) (Zdarma!) (Toolbar Layout)
- GeoFrac2000 Realistic Landscape & Terrain Generator (Companion with 3DM Support)
- Daylon Leveller Heightfield/bumpmap/terrain modeler (Companion with 3DM Support)
- Lamina 1.0 Flexible unfolding and unrolling (Companion with 3DM Support)
- RH_Systray Automatize any Rhino's batch process (Companion with Rhino support)
- Rhino InLine Calculator (Zdarma!) Rhino InLine calculator (Companion with Rhino support)
- DesignFOIL Airfoil/Wing Design & Analysis (Companion without 3DM Support)
- Stenza Greyscale Creation Software (Companion without 3DM Support)
- Bottle Design / Product Design Services 3D Services for Industry & Inventors (Service)
- Product Design Services We are into Product Design consultancy (Service)
- Product Development / CAD Model Maker CAD modeling (Service)
- SpaceMouse/SpaceBall 3D Motion Controller (Hardware)
- Hydraulic Design James Carruthers' Rhino site (Useful Link)
- Rhinoceros User's Network Japanese Rhino user group (Useful Link)
- Bakhter.com (Zdarma!) The best free resource for all your grap (Useful Link)
- Korean Rhino User's Group Korean Rhino User's Group (Useful Link)
- Rhino3D.SE (Zdarma!) Swedish forum for Rhino3D (Useful Link)
- Viewpoint Rhino Supported File Format (Useful Link)
- Distribute objects (Harmony) (Zdarma!) Equidistance, Move, Scale, Rotaton...... (Other)
- Minimum Bounding Box (Zdarma!) (Other)
- Render Mesh Optimizer (Zdarma!) (Other)
Import a export:
- HPGL Import for Rhino import graphical data from HPGL Plot (PLT) files (Plug-In)
- OBJ Import for Rhino import graphical data from ASCII Alias|Wavefront OBJ files (Plug-In)
- Points (Zdarma!) import points from or export points to a delimited text file (Plug-In)
- 3D Web Export Export 3D models for viewing in webpage. (Plug-In)
- CATIA V4 3D Import Direct access to native Catia V4 files (Plug-In)
- LightWave 6&7 Import (Zdarma!) Import Lightwave 6 & 7 LWO files (Plug-In)
- Power RhinoToMax Import Native Rhino into 3ds Max (Plug-In)
- UG 3D Import (Plug-In)
- CATIA V4 2D Import (Plug-In)
- CATIA V5 3D IMPORT (Plug-In)
- HPGL Export for Rhino HPGL Plot (.plt) file exporter for Rhino (Plug-In)
- Mastercam Direct for Rhinoceros (Zdarma!) Mastercam plug-in for Rhino (Plug-In)
- PARASOLID 3D Import Imports Parasolid Parts and Assemblies (Plug-In)
- Parasolid, Catia, VDA-FS, IGES Importer Powerful importer for various formats (Plug-In)
- Protein (Zdarma!) Import of PDB files (Plug-In)
- SOLIDWORKS 3D IMPORT Imports SolidWorks 3D files to Rhino V3 (Plug-In)
- BatchConverter toolbar (Zdarma!) Automatically file conversion (Toolbar Layout)
- CatiaV43D To 3DM Without Rhino Write directly 3DM (batch) (Companion with 3DM Support)
- SolidWorks/3DM import (Zdarma!) SolidWorks add-in to import 3DM file (Companion with 3DM Support)
- 3DWin 3D file converter with 3DM support (Companion with 3DM Support)
- ACIS/IGES/Parasolids/ProE/STEP/VDA PTC 'Granite' to .3dm importers (Companion with 3DM Support)
- Inventor/DWG/IGES/SolidWorks/SolidEdge Native CAD to .3dm converters (Companion with 3DM Support)
- Multi 3D Data Exchanger Import 3DM,Export Multi 3D CAD format. (Companion with 3DM Support)
- Okino's PolyTrans & NuGraf Import/export, view & render 3D files. (Companion with 3DM Support)
- IronCAD - Rhino Integration (Zdarma!) Seamless Editing Between Both Systems (Companion with Rhino support)
- PS-Exchange CAD data translation import CATIA ProE, UG, IDEAS, SW, SE etc (Service)
- OBJ to 3DM (Zdarma!) Wavefront OBJ to 3DM converter (Useful Link)
- Using Rhino with Autodesk Inventor (Zdarma!) White Paper (Useful Link)
- Using Rhino with SolidWorks (Zdarma!) White Paper (Useful Link)
- ST-Repository Translation Service (Zdarma!) STEP online translation (Useful Link)
- Using Rhino with Solid Edge (Zdarma!) White Paper (Useful Link)
- ProtoWizard STL to NC File (Plug-In)
- TechGems 4.0 Jewelry Toolbar Library and Tools (Plug-In)
- Matrix 3.0 Matrix 3D Jewelry Design Software (Plug-In)
- Truffle Maker (Zdarma!) Plug-in for a 3 stone setting Rhino 3.0 (Plug-In)
- Expander Surface Expansion Plug-In for Rhino (Plug-In)
- Giraffe Jewelry Design Plug-in (Plug-In)
- Eureka Jewelry Design Tools (Toolbar Layout)
- Cimagrafi Artistic Cad Cam (Companion without 3DM Support)
- CADWAX (Zdarma!) Free Jewelry Tutorials For Rhino (Tutorial CD)
- JDK Jewelry Design CAD Jewelry Design/CNC Milling Services (Service)
- Jewelry Designer/ CAD Model Maker Design, CAD Modeling, Rendering (Service)
- Tech-Designs CAD Jewelry designs (Service)
- Best-Cast Rapid Prototyping with Perfactory, Viper (Service)
- New! CAD Wax - Rapid prototyping Entwicklung und Herstellung von Schmuck (Service)
- Direct cast models for jewelers On-Site Invision HR machine, quick (Service)
- Goldwerx Design Studio Jewelry Design and Manufacture (Service)
- I.D - 3D services Design and production of 3D objects (Service)
- Rhino Modeling Service Rhino Models (Service)
- X-trusion 3D Design for jewelers (Service)
- Roland JWX-10 Jewelry Model Maker (Hardware)
- Expander Surface Expansion Plug-In for Rhino (Plug-In)
- RhinoMarine Hydrostatics & Stability Hydrostatics & Stability Calculations (Plug-In)
- RhinoStatics Hydrostatics in Rhinoceros 2.0 (Plug-In)
- RhinOffsets Automate Tables of Offsets in Rhino (Plug-In)
- RhinoMarine Sections (formerly Slicer) Cuts cross-sections through your model (Plug-In)
- RhinoLR Linear Regression Analysis in Rhino 2.0+ (Plug-In)
- FastShip NURBS-based Hullform Design & Fairing (Companion with 3DM Support)
- ShipConstructor Complete ship production software suite (Companion with 3DM Support)
- Deadweight (Zdarma!) 2D / 3D GHS model viewer (Companion with 3DM Support)
- GHSView View GHS files and save to DXF format (Companion with Rhino support)
- PropCad Propeller design tool from HydroComp (Companion with Rhino support)
- PROLINES 3D NURBS Hull Design and Analysis (Companion without 3DM Support)
- Maxsurf Naval architecture software (Companion without 3DM Support)
- Autoship naval architecture hull design program (Companion without 3DM Support)
- GHS General Hydrostatics (Companion without 3DM Support)
- WINGS 32 Keel and Rudder Design and Analysis (Companion without 3DM Support)
- Modeling for the Marine Industry Advanced Boat design tutorial (Tutorial CD)
- 3DW Moulds Boats Moulds highly accurate low cost (Service)
- Synergy 3D Giant CAD-CAM parts (Service)
- Polyworx Controlled Vacuum Infusion and RTM (Useful Link)
- Racko MOLD 2003 (Plug-In)
- Ornitorrinco (Zdarma!) Library of mechanical parts (Plug-In)
- Bearings (Zdarma!) it designs Bearings (Plug-In)
- Alibre Design For Rhino (Zdarma!) Parametric 3D Modeling Plug-in for Rhino (Plug-In)
- Expander Surface Expansion Plug-In for Rhino (Plug-In)
- RhinoMold 3.0 For mould makers and mould managers (Plug-In)
- Alibre Design Powerful & affordable 3D solid modeling (Companion with Rhino support)
- FASTBLANK Calculates blank shape (Companion without 3DM Support)
- IronCAD Full Featured 3D Detail Design Solution (Companion without 3DM Support)
- TriAxial Design and Analysis Mechanical engineering services (Service)
- Involute gears (Zdarma!) Generate involute gear profiles (Other)
Rapid prototyping:
- RhinoProto 3D CAM for Rapid Prototyping (Plug-In)
- RP Export for Rhino (Zdarma!) RP file export plugin for Rhino (Plug-In)
- RP Import for Rhino (Zdarma!) RP file import plugin for Rhino (Plug-In)
- M2 Systems Rhino Training and Rapid Prototypes (Service)
- PreMould AB (Service)
- Protoshape Small parts prototyping service (Service)
- Xpress3D Every Rapid Prototype in 2 days or less (Service)
- AccuArt, Inc. designing and building 3D concepts (Service)
- CNC Subtractive Rapid Prototyping CNC Rapid Prototyping, Toy and product d (Service)
- HIGH PROTOTYPING Italy 3D CAD designs and rapid prototyping (Service)
- ONE OFF Milano Architectural Models, RP, CNC Machining (Service)
- Product Development / CAD Model Maker Custom CAD models for CNC and RP (Service)
- Prototipazione Rapida Service di prototipazione Rapida (Service)
- W3D Rapid Prototyping Services and Hardware (Service)
- Wohlers Associates Independent consulting and analysis firm (Service)
- CAM Tech - CNC machinery manufacturer of 3-4 axis CNC machinery (Hardware)
- ShopBot powerful cnc routers you can afford (Hardware)
- 3D-e-Motion machine control for up to 5 axes (Hardware)
- FlashCut CNC CNC Desktop Machining and Control (Hardware)
- InVision 3-D printer high-quality 3-d printer (Hardware)
- Objet Eden 260 and Eden330 3D Rapid Prototype System (Hardware)
- Roland MDX-40 Rapid Prototyping System (Hardware)
- Solidscape, Inc. 3D Model Making Systems (Hardware)
- Z Corp. 3D Printer Creates 3D Physical models from CAD data (Hardware)
Reverse engineering:
- PIX Import for Rhino Dr. Picza PIX file importer (Plug-In)
- Point Cloud for Rhino Point Cloud to Surface converter (Plug-In)
- Smurf Polygon Mesh to Smooth Surface plug-in (Plug-In)
- Styling Tools v2 for Rhinoceros 3.0 Class A Surfaces design (Plug-In)
- COPious Cloud of Point to NURBS Translator (Plug-In)
- DupMeshBorder (Zdarma!) Duplicates the border of meshes (Plug-In)
- MicroScribe G2 Driver Update (Zdarma!) Add support for MicroScribe G2 arms (Plug-In)
- Microscribe MX Driver Update (Zdarma!) Add support for MicroScribe MX Arms (Plug-In)
- PointCloudEven (Zdarma!) Evens out a messy point cloud (Plug-In)
- PtAndStl-Tools Punkt und Polyederfunktionen (Plug-In)
- GSI Studio Reverse engineering using polygonal mesh (Companion with 3DM Support)
- RapidForm 3D Scanning & Advanced Modeling Software (Companion with 3DM Support)
- Rapid 3D Scanning & Modeling Service Rapid turnaround 3D laser scanning (Service)
- MicroScribe Digitizers Desktop Digitizing Systems (Hardware)
- ROMER portable measurement arm (Hardware)
- MDX-15/20 Desktop Scanning & Milling Machine (Hardware)
- Faro USB Hardware Drivers (Zdarma!) Faro USB Hardware Drivers (Hardware)
- FaroArm portable measurment arms Portable industrial digitizing systems (Hardware)
- LPX 250 Laser Scanner (Hardware)
- ModelPress Web Publish Plug-In Web Publish Models With Digital Rights. (Plug-In)
- NuGraf/PolyTrans .3dm Viewer View/Render/Convert .3dm files (Companion with 3DM Support)
- Opus Realizer RE A digital showroom (Companion with 3DM Support)
- Deep Exploration Repurpose Your Assets (Companion with Rhino support)
- vSpace Web 3D without a plug-in (Companion with Rhino support)
- Rhino Evaluation (Zdarma!) View Rhino and other files (Viewer)
Související odkazy
- http://www.suurland.com/ – Thomas Suurland, dánský 3D designér. Ukázky vynikajících 3D modelů, zejména aut.
- http://www.naulapaa.com/ – Osobní web finského designéra Heikki Naulapää